
Experiences this Semester

Hi at all  Today i will write about my experiences this semester. the semester we write post, about things that we like and don'tlike, also talking about of experiences your own. The post that more enjoyed writing go about  exhibition , because I remember my fascination about the  exhibition    of Eath, animals and theme scientist  first Dinosaurs. For other side the post that the least  I like go about the application that more use, beacuse I  think that is the application is vey monotome.   Between the blogs who more I enjoyed reading go the post Claudio and Carlos, especial about TV programm favorite, because they see the porgramms that I also wathed.  Respect a my level of English, is improved, not much, but is impovide. I wait for can impoved much more. In the personal I should study in my house and practice English more. The things that I disliked about blog, is the nathing, because I think that is the write, is very forms for practice English, and guture, help a c

A Toy

Hey Bloggers  Today i will write about a toy I had as a Child. I remember that when was child, first i played with more toys, but the that i more used, it was the dinosaur. Me toys of dinosaur favorite were is the braquiosaurio, because in the film Jurassic Park were go the first in apper, from is the moment, i like the dinosaurs, i want was the paleontology in the future. Me amazing is the bigs and forms the dinosaur.     When i had round of 5 our 6 age, after of i watch Jurassic Park, i want one toy of de dinosaur, ask for father and mother,  they can give the toys of dinosaur for birthday. One week after, me parents ask much dinosaur, Triceraptops, Velociraptors, Tyranossaurio Rex and Branquiodaurio, i had vert happy.  I played with them, where the dinosaurs had at live a with   between they, and the dinosaurs evil were meat eater. i  was can for long hours the play, me facinate the dinoaurs, until today. But   when i changer is the house, much is the toys. a lost, some s

A Phone App

Hi bloggers. Today I will like write about me favorite phone app. The phone app that I use a lot is the Youtube.  The first time that i see Youtube go in 2007 age, when i had me firts computer, it the sistem of Google. Time After, in the celephone with more tecnology have Youtube, Finally it become really popular that to find in everywhere.  I especially in the last years, use a lot Youtube, i watch Documentals Geology , video music and entertained about Rosa of Guadalupe. I see videos in the Youtube for fun, because when i dont have nothing our i am boring, me entertain. The videos that i more see is about the Resumen of series, The canal Argentine is  youtuber "Te lo resumo si no mas", between others. For other lad i like the form of app, because is the connect Youtube with TV, also you can watch videos in online and comment your opinion to respect. In my opinion Youtube is the importance plataform, that get good material about diferents things, but in the later

A special place

Hello  Today i will like talk about a special place, i think that the special place, is the where your have our feel some emotion for example happy, sad, angry, etc that your remember for impartance. My special place is the Torres of Paine, localizate in the region Magallanes, is the park natural and to the 7 wonders of the world. I was going and know in the summer this 2018, with my aunt and some friends, They are talking know is the trip. i listening i waint go, beacuse my dream was trip a Torres of Paine, one time in the life, so my organizate month before, searh work and like Asian working. Finally i get money, and we are triped. Torres of Paine is the my special place, because when i was child, had see pictures and documentals about that Torres of Paine were place lost time, so for my was dream that i can see with my owner eyes. Good, like say before Torres of Paine is the parh national the Chile, The Park it was maked in 1979, also in the lats years, the parks a have

A Birthday

Hi blooges Today, i will like talk about one birthday importance for my that remember, i am going talk about my  18th birthday, In the age i no celebrate my birthday, because my family for diversity problems is the moved house and result that alway we moved house for me birthday, so i have forget that to birthday jeje. The day my birthday, i was thinking about works, homeworks and study for exams, but meyfriends of university had one suprissed for my, They bring food and cupkakes, sing Happy birthday and enjoy very much play the taca taca. When i was going in your house, my mother called to say that going a house of the grandfather, i arrived found that has all preparing for celebrity my birthday, enjoy very much and all famility united.      

A hobby videos and picture

Hello everyone, Today I will write about a hobby that I have. the problem is that I do not have a defined pastime, since one could say that I dedicate myself to many things, but if I had to highlight one that I have been doing for a long time, it is to take photos and make videos and edit them, mainly about travel, animals , landscapes and places. The first time I started making videos, it was when I was little, I was 7 years old, I was with a Motorola cell phone, I recorded my house, obviously the video looks horrible because I did not know how to handle the camera correctly afterwards. I did not make videos, and only I dedicate myself to take pictures of birds and landscapes of nature, and in 2015 I went back to the videos, since they gave me a video camera, so I recorded my first video of more than 15 minutes, which consisted of a reality that we had in a camp, after that in the university I dedicated myself to register the lands or trips that we had, and I learned to edit them

My habilite

Hello Bloggers Today, I will write about something that I am good at, my most well-known skill is the collection and search of strange Fossils and Rocks, because I can really find very unusual things. The first time I used my skill or rather said it was when I went to Cajón del Maipo, for the School (April 15 in 2015). Where I found these fossils of plants and marine animals on a rock. So I collected fossils and rocks. Another notion was when I traveled to Tongoy, where the teacher Maria Victoria, told the story where she met someone who could also do that, she pointed out that it is a gift to find objects so easily, so she also said that she should take advantage of it and take advantage of it. Sample collector looking for incredible fossils and rocks. My friends, when we have land, they ask me to give them some samples that I collect because it is much easier for me. They think that they should take advantage of that capacity, since they could obtain valuable objects, as they do