
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2018

The Dinosaur in the History of Chile

Hello at all, today i talk about exhibition that i enjoyed, the exhibition is the Museun Natural and History, is very interesanting, beacuse give information and education of forms entertain. I started going to from more a little excibition of the museun natural and histoy for influence of my uncle, he invitation a that we (my sister and I) know the differents things the have in the place.  The excibition i did like to tell about exposition The museun natural and history, about Dinosaur is the Chile. The atraction principal is the Chilenisaurio, one the first dinosaurio discover of is tipe.  i like enjoyed is the animation digital for medium of the i phone, where is did can watched is the dinosaurio in the reality virtual. I  highlight was,  remember In the excibition has much childrens, that they like dinosaurios, because is the childrens of today they not interest things about the history. I like is the place where were excibition of Dinosaur, because always my tell at
Good morning at all,  Today, i waint tell about my programme of TV favorite of when i was child. The series that i going a writer is the Dragon Ball, beacuse is the that more memoy  I started watching from more a little,  for influence of my uncle Dragon ball was serie about battle, where is defense in the world of the constance enemies that waint destroyed the planet earth and the universe. Goku who is the protagonist, is the friends, training for defense, although Goku always were the most powers. Dragon ball is dividide in three season:  Dragon ball, when Goku was child  Dragon ball Z, when Goku is adult  when it was on, transmite one at the week, the days Sunday at 12am.  I enjoyed and enjoy watch Dragon ball, beacuse is entretened, also give msn, about, never surrender, and made all is posibilite for lets fly hight.

a little bit about me

hello i am Elias Encina i am studying Geography, in the firts i want studint Geology, but for little points, i cant enter. Although thanks is it can know geography. now i love geography is very amazing, also i understand the forms is the earth and components. how person i am nice, happy and infantil i like enjoy of all, i like travel around of the world. know is differents cultur and forms of the thinks i have of pet cuye, dog and cat me considered one nomade, beacuse I change house every time.